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-Know ThySelf-

My Message To You!

Welcome to my page and my universe! This page is separate from my music and is dedicated to helping people just like you connect with their higher self to raise not only your vibration, but your consciousness as well. You have no religion, no beliefs, no nationality, no gender, no age, and no sexuality because you are pure consciousness; pure energy. You are a spirit, or energy body, having a human experience on the 3D plane called Earth. Here, you have free will to be and do anything you want to do, well knowing that whatever energy you put out in the universe is what you are going to get back and experience. You reap what you sow. So if you put out positive energy, positive energy is what you will get back, same for any negative energy you choose to release. Everything starts with a thought form in the mind, then the intention behind it is what moves it out to become an action, which then manifest in reality, or as they say matter. Positive thoughts manifest faster then low vibrations, or negative energies. Know that you are a co-creator of your own reality and can choose to experience anything you want to all by learning to control your thoughts. You are here on earth to learn who you truly are, and not what "they" have told you you are. Control your mind or someone else will control it for you. Every week a new video or blog will be posted helping you learn just who exactly you truly are. Overstand that I am not here to try and change your beliefs or covert you into any so call religion, rather I am here to give you a different perspective on the life you have been told is "correct" according to your religious leaders. Know you have the right to believe in anything you want to believe in, as well as who you want to believe in. So with that being said I welcome you with open arms to journey inside yourself and become your greatest version you were meant to be and are. Peace and Love!


Welcome To My Universe

-Who Are You Really?-

Higher Self


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