Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment
-Rhymin Rhythm Entertainment, Create Authentically; Be You!
I believe we CREATE our own realities we choose to experience. Combining the power of your thoughts (Mind)
with your own unique voice (Spirit), gives your WORDS (Intentions) you speak the power to move energy in the direction that you so desire (E-motions or Energy in Motion). Abracadabra; I CREATE what I speak. In the beginning was the word.
Genesis 1:3
The Law of Rhythm states that the energy in the universe is like a pendulum. Whenever something swings to the right, it must then swing to the left. ... Everything goes through cycles, yet everything has a rhythm or a pattern. (AKA Karma, what goes around comes around) For me, love isn't just a word for romance, but the FEELING you experience with God. Therefore, music is what I love to do, and I Rhyme In Rhythm, but also in life, Rhymin Rhythm, I CREATE myself Authentically; BE YOU "
-"It's not just a Brand, it's an awakening; tune in"-
Now that you have discovered who you truly are, it's also important these days you learn who you are not. Learning how the enemy works and how you can win can be a challenging endeavor in this game we call life, below I share with you useful links to help you on your journey as it did mine. Love and Light family.
***DISCLAIMER- You are free to think how ever you choose to. I am only sharing information with you that helped me on my journey, and this is only a start. Please use your own discretion when listening to form your own opinion you see best fit your life, and to continue learning and evolving into your greatest version of yourself.